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In recent years, in accordance with the development of a global economy and multinational corporations, the need for business ethics in an international, pluralistic context has emerged. Among several recent attempts to develop a general theory for international business ethics, Thomas Donaldson and Thomas Dunfee's "Integrative Social Contracts Theory" (a.k.a. "International Communitarianism") seems to provide the most comprehensive framework to accommodate many dichotomies, such as an empirical and normative methodological gap, cultural relativism and ethical absolutism, and actual disputes between communities which embody different values. While I have highly evaluated this theory, I have also argued that it needs to be supplemented by the vision of institutionalized moral concensus building procedures, in order to respond to the real needs of international dispute resolution. A number of suggestions have been made to design this institution. Among them are 1) this institution should be an assembly of communities which will pursue discussion to build a moral concensus, 2) this discussion forum should provide a "level field of discussion" where each participating community is guaranteed the "ideal communicative situation" (Habermas), and 3) in order to establish this discourse situation,"anonymity of utterance" has to be guaranteed for the "context-free space" of discourse.
- 1995-03-31
- 21世紀の企業と社会に関する学生の意識調査 : 倫理基準適用の実態と属性間分析
- 国際的共同体主義と倫理的合意形成手続
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- パネル討議「経営倫理教育の現状と展望」(統一論題報告要旨)