J0102-3-4 力学モデルを含んだ大動脈の患者画像に基づく自動生成とハプティックデバイスによる変形と力覚提示(次世代生命体統合シミュレーション(3))
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the phase of operative planning for large artery, preoperative patient's medical image data has been used as the most important information. Especially, three dimensional computer tomography data using contrast agent is available because the surgeons can recognize the inner wall of large artery. However, due to thrombuses in aneurysm, the tomography data can not give the surgeons enough information to let them completely know the statement of aneurysm. This study aims to develop a diagnosis support system for large artery operation, where the system firstly estimate the shape of aneurysm from preoperative patient's tomography data and render the large artery including aneurysm on a computer display. Additionally, the surgeons can virtually palpate it with a haptic device. This paper presents a method to extract the shape of large artery from patient's three dimensional computer tomographic images, and shows a dynamic model specified at the virtual artery model.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-09-12
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