G0601-7-1 燃焼生成物を簡便に予測するための平衡法と渦消散コンセプトモデルを組み合わせた乱流拡散燃焼モデル : Sandia Flame Dへの適用(熱工学(7)燃焼(2))
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The aim of our research is to build a model which can evaluate the amount of combustion products by using the chemical equilibrium method with a few chemical reactions. This paper presents the combustion model based on chemical equilibrium combined with an eddy dissipation concept model (CE-EDC); the model is validated by simulating a CH_4-air turbulent diffusion flame. The obtained results were compared with Sandia Flame D. An advantage of the CE-EDC model is that any combustion products are obtained without using detailed chemical mechanisms. The results obtained by the CE-EDC model are in good agreement with the reference data. With the combustion model built in this paper, the combustion products can be calculated without detail chemical mechanisms, and the accuracy of present model is in the same order of the EDC model.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-09-12
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