中国における日系機械器具製造業の立地環境の変容 : 大連経済技術開発区進出企業を事例として
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the recent changes in the geographical conditions of the Japanese machinery and instrument industry in Dalian, China. We mainly focused on 1. the wage levels and recruitment of workers and other human resources and 2. the role of local government. The business environment of Japanese Multinational Enterprises (JMEs) has changed since 2006. Rising wage levels and prices have especially had a negative influence on them. Consequently, a large number of workers have left their jobs after only working for short periods, which has reduced the productivity of companies. However, according to a survey where employers were interviewed, specialized personnel, including office workers and managers, tended to continue in their positions. Many companies valued the education of their Chinese employees and as a result only about 0.4% of all employees were Japanese at 26 companies. Most JMEs in Dalian were generally satisfied with their employee's in-company education. JMEs were also satisfied with actions taken by the local government in Dalian and few companies had problems with them. The Dalian city government has held periodic meetings with JMEs to deal with their problems since the 1990s. These meetings are held 3 times a year and the city government may take various actions against requests. In addition to these periodical meetings, JMEs have been able to make requests to the local government and ask city government officials to explain the content of any laws that have been unclear. Because the Dalian economy relies heavily on JMEs, the local government has been trying to be flexible with requests from JMEs. Political and social problems have been severe for JMEs. Most JMEs that invested in Dalian took advantage of the preferred tax policies offered by the central government. However, most of these are no longer offered today. In addition, there have been restrictions with electricity use because it is in short supply. These restrictions were imposed on factories throughout China in the summer in 2006 and have caused serious problems, especially in Dalian. According to a survey where companies were interviewed, although some political and social factors encouraged various large companies to set up factories to produce the same goods in Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, most of these have remained in Dalian. This is because there have been more advantages than disadvantages in investing in Dalian. Some companies have especially thought that their employees in Dalian were so well-trained that it would be a huge loss if they had to move to a new location and educate new employees from the beginning again. In addition, wage levels have been rising even in Vietnam and strikes have frequently broken out. It would be much harder to employ as many trained workers in Vietnam as in China.
- 2010-10-28
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