選挙制度の変更に伴う国会議員の対応と政治組織の空間的変化 : 長崎県を事例にして
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衆議院への新選挙制度の導入によって,個人後援会に代表される国会議員の政治組織が,空間的にどのような変容を遂げつつあるのかを長崎県を事例として検討した.並立制導入以降も,議員の多くは,新選挙区から外れた地区においても政治活動を行い,中選挙区時代の後援会組織を,基本的には維持している.その要因として,選挙区外の支持者であっても,選挙の際には支援を受けられるという点があるが,中選挙区時代の区割りが,現在でも議員や後援者の意識に,強い影響力を有しているという側面も指摘できる.これに対して,現在の選挙区が,交通アクセスが悪い諸地域から成り立っているところでは,中選挙区時代の後援会組織を維持することに消極的である.また,衆院から参院議員や知事に鞍替えした議員は,広大な選挙区をカバーする後援会組織を作ることが難しく,その空間的範囲は,衆院時代のものに限定されている.党派別に見ると,与党系の議員は,自前の後援会組織だけでなく,党所属の地方議員や支持団体からも支援を受けられるのに対して,保守系野党議員は,このような支援を受けにくく,従来の後援会組織に集票活動を依存する傾向が強くなっている.The electoral system of the House of Representatives in Japan was reformed in 1994 from a multimember constituency system to a new system, which combines a single-member constituency system and a proportional representation system. The purpose of this paper is to examine the spatial transformation that is occurring with regard to the organizations of Diet members to garner votes after introducing the new electoral system. Most assemblypersons have maintained their own personal support organizations from the former system after the introduction of the new system. This is because constituencies in the former system, which lasted for about 70 years, have a strong influence even at present on the awareness of assemblypersons and their supporters. It also indicates that even if supporters live outside the present constituency, they give various forms of support (not including voting) to assemblypersons during elections. However, assemblypersons in the Nagasaki third constituency are negative toward maintaining their former personal support organizations. This is due to the geographic condition that traffic access to the entire area is inconvenient. Moreover, for some assemblypersons who became members of the House of Councillors or the governor after being members of or candidates for the House of Representatives, it is difficult to establish personal support organizations that cover the entire prefecture. Accordingly, the spatial range of their organizations is limited to the former constituency. There are also some differences in these organizations between political parties. Assemblypersons of the ruling party can receive support not only from their own support organizations, but also from members of local assemblies and various local organizations supporting the ruling party. However, members of the conservative opposition party tend to depend on their former support organizations, as they cannot expect the support received by ruling party members. As mentioned above, assemblyperson's personal support organizations, which play important roles in the Japanese political system, are being transformed into spatially different forms due to the geographic situations in the constituencies, party affiliations, etc. over the 10 years since the 1994 electoral reform.
- 2005-04-01
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