沖縄における「国語学力」に関する研究(一) : その基本問題に関する考察
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When you say "linguistic ability in the national language in Okinawa," you will fell something contradictory. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how we should grasp "linguistic ability in the national language in Okinawa" which was once an independent state and has its own vernacular, and where the people have been taught Japanese as the national language after "the Ryukyu-Shobun (the Disposal of Ryukyu)" in 1879, when Okinawa became a quasi-colony. For this purpose I consider two basic problems, (1) what attitude Okinawan people have taken toward Japanese as the national language, (2) what kind of linguistic culture is covered in school education. From this consideration, the following results are found. (1) We should grasp "linguistic ability in the national language in Okinawa" over the tension between the terms, "the national language" or "the standerd language" and "Ryukyu dialect" or "Ryukyu language", using the terms of the intelligentsia and teachers, or, using the terms of the ordinary people, between "Uchina-guchi (Okinawan tongue)" and Yamato-guchi (Japanese). The consciousness of the tense relation between their mother tongue and "the national language" will be the part of "linguistic ability in the national language in Okinawa".
- 日本教育方法学会の論文
- 1995-03-31
- 「どんぐりと山猫」(宮沢賢治)の読みと授業の可能性
- 地域語伝承に関わる授業の創造 : 「しまくとぅばの日」制定の意義を踏まえて
- 2. 人間と言葉のかかわりをふまえた国語科教育 : 文学および文学の授業の可能性を探る
- 提案四 「新たな共同性」を求めて : 沖縄のことばの文化より(人間関係を切り拓く言葉の指導,夏期学会(第九〇回東京学会),人間関係を切り拓く言葉の指導)
- 沖縄における「国語学力」に関する研究(一) : その基本問題に関する考察
- 4 生活綴方における文化をめぐる一考察
- 4-2 児童の文章表現における作者と主人公の問題(一)
- 終戦から本土復帰までの沖縄「国語」教育(一) : 第I期(国語科教育と国際化)
- 沖縄の「伝統的な言語文化」教材化の歴史(自由研究発表)
- ベトナム教育改革の質的向上を支える授業研究 : 沖縄と山岳少数民族地域の地域間共同を通して(【一般A-5】比較・国際教育,一般研究発表【A】,発表要旨)
- 地域教材がひらく可能性 : 「沖縄」関連教材の過去・現在・未来(ラウンドテーブル)