農村青年教師による初期社会科教育実践の授業論 : 相川・江口・鈴木実践の分析
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The purpose of this paper is to make clear the organization of lessons and methodological theory of elementary social studies practices of Hideo Aikawa's "New Teaching of Geography and History", Takemasa Eguchi's "Fifth-Grade Students in Elementary School of Village" and Kiyoharu Suzuki's "Revolution of Social Studies" in the early era after World War II. These practices have been given a high evaluation as one of the most important practice of Japanese social studies by many teachers and scholars. The results of the analysis is as follows; 1) The each organization of lessons of these practices is different. The Aikawa's practice is characterized as the studies on the history of home community, the Eguchi's practice is characterized as the studies on the social problem of home community, and the Suzuki's practice is characterized as the studies on the social life of home community. 2) The common methodological theory of these social studies practices is "problem-solving through inquiry". 3) In the lessons of social studies based on "problem-solving through inquiry", children are required to inquiry and study (in other words, to describe, explain and judge) about social phenomena.
- 日本教育方法学会の論文
- 1996-03-31
- 農村青年教師による初期社会科教育実践の授業論 : 相川・江口・鈴木実践の分析
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