- 論文の詳細を見る
This article refers to child's and youth's cultural activities mainly in school. At first, the modern cultural situation of child and youth is analysed. Consamptional culture, isolated culture and passive culture are characterized there. And then theories of cultural activites in school education and social education are analyzed and compared with each other. In school educational theories formal cultural activities are insisted. At the case of social education informal cultural activities are insisted on the contrary. In theories of SEIKATSUKYOIKU, conection of subject, formal cultural activities and informal cultural activities are contained. In order to solve this opposition, it is clarifyed that the essence of cultural activities is in the play. Play's charactericity is being pleasant. And it contains fiction. In the play and between the play and other activities, fiction and reality take turns one another. This essence of play teaches that formal cultural activities and informal cultural activities supplys each other. Without informal culture activity, formal one cannot play its role absolutely, and without formal activity. informal one cannot either. But in the modern collaspe of resions, informal one is about to disappear. In this situation, school must contain both informal and formal activities in it. And social education, too. This leads that school locates the play in its curriculum. At last the method of organizing cultural activities in school which contains formal and informal activities is refered. The point is to understand the character of leadership as acceptance and protection.
- 1994-03-31
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