- 論文の詳細を見る
Male germ-line chromosomes of six taxa of Formosan butterflies were examined with their testis-squashes, or testis-sections. Their localities and the details of chromosome counts were shown. The haploid chromosome number of Atrophaneura horishana, a papilionid endemic to Formosa, was 30 and an n, 48-karyotype comprizing a single element of large size was established for Parantica sita niphonica. Supplementary observations of primary spermatocyte chromosomes were made in Byasa polyeuctes termessus and Papilio protenor amaura and those of secondary spermatocyte chromosomes in Polytremis lubricans taiwana. Their metaphase configurations were shown. The occurrence of variation in the number of haploid chromosomes was confirmed in Ideopsis similis similis from two geographically remote localities.
- 日本鱗翅学会の論文
- 1991-07-15
斎藤 和夫
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Aomori University
斎藤 和夫
阿部 東
熊谷 義則
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