注目すべき台湾産蝶類若干種について : 2新種・2新亜種・7新異常型を含む
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All materials dealt in the present paper, were sent by Mr. YU CHING KIN and Mr. WEISOU CHUNG to whom we must express sincerely many thanks. Salatura yuchingkini sp. nov. ♀ In appearance, this species has intermediate characters, between Limnas chrysippus and Salatura genutia. Upperside forewing, white markings in apex area very resembles chrysippus. All veins of both wings are brownish black as in genutia, but not so bold. Underside, apex area yellowish pale, reddish ground colour of both wings yellowish orange as chrysippus, not so deep as genutia. Genitalia valva strong chitinous, large and slender, having the curved hook projection at the lower edge. Tacoraea eupolia sp. nov. ♂ The arrangement of all markings in both wings, upperside as well as underside, is nearly the same as selenophora laela ♀, but each marking more developed, white markings of interspaces 1 & 2 in hindwing somewhat yellowish. Genitalia, valva somewhat large, sacculus not so constricted, laciniate projections on the board like projection very distinct. Salpinx leucostictos botelianus ssp. nov. ♀ Differs from the Formosan mainland race hobsoni in having very reduced purple markings, marginal white spot band in hindwing of holotype nearly disappears. Ochiodes siva yuchingkina ssp. nov. ♂ In this time, the species siva is at first recorded from Formosa. The semitransparent marking in interspace 3 of forewing on upperside larger, marking on discocellular of forewing is エ shaped. Underside, markings in interspace 3 of forewing, interspaces 2 & 3 of hindwing larger than the original race from Naga Hills. The marking on discocellular of forewing splits in two small spots in Ochiodes subhyalina formosana. Papilio dialis andronicus ab. neotatsuta, nov. ♂ Extremely beautiful aberrant form. Hindwing on underside as tatsuta NAKAHARA (Zephyrus, 9. (2) 1, p1. 5,) but on upperside bearing the wide purplish red crescent markings in interspaces 1, 2, 3 & 4, the wide purplish blue crescent markings in interspace 6 near outer margin, in interspace 5 mixing blue and red colours. Hypolimnas bolina kezia ab. yokoojii NOMURA ♀ Hitherto no examples have been found except for the type specimen, so our material is the second example from Formosa. Polyura eudamippus formosana ab. eclepsis nov. ♂ Both wings on upper-and underside, are hazed by dark purplish veil, yellowish ground colour becomes grey on upperside, leaden gray on underside. Sumalia dudu jinamitra ab. neojina nov. ♂ White bands of both wings much reduced, the white markings in interspaces 4, 5, 6 of forewing, in interspaces 6,7 of hindwing vanished. Cyrestis thyodamas formosana ab. ambustus nov. ♂ Very remarkable nigrescent form. There are some light parts only in interspaces 1, 2, 3 of forewing. Crastia godarti garampiana MURAYAMA (comb. nov.) In "TyO To Ga" (Tran. Lep. Soc. Jap.), 11 (4) : 56, this race was belonged to the species core, but it is more fitting that garampiana is attached to godarti. In this time, the male is at first recorded from Formosa. Euthalia formosana FRUHST. ab. nugatoris MURAYAMA The type (Tyo To Ga, 11(4) : 58, f. 26) was very worn, so here the complete specimen ♀ is illustrated. Papilo polytes pasikrates FRUHST. ab. gynaiensis nov. ♂ Underside of hindwing, submarginal red markings extend inside and fuse with white markings. Papiliio polytes pasikrates FRUHST. ab. baikeiensis nov. ♀ Upperside of hindwing, submarginal markings, as well as red markings at anal angle, in the base of interspaces 1 & 2, of normal female form almost turn white. Vanessa indica HERBST ab. horishana NIRE Hitherto no examples except the type 4 have been recorded. in this time 5 specimens (1♂4♀) were examined. Sasakia charonda ssp. Many specimens of the Formosan race were found in this time. Very similer to coreana LEECH, but differs from it in having much larger white markings in the central area on hindwing of upperside.
- 1963-06-30
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