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In present paper, some noticeable aberrant forms of Papilio nepheles chaonulus, P. helenus fortunius, P. protenor amaurus, and a new important species of Neptis in Formosa are described. P. chaonulus includes the numerous forms, of which No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, No.5 etc., are new to science. In ♀-f.No.1, underside on forewing, appears the white diagonal band from costa to outer margin. On hindwing, appears the obscure greyish yellow crescent markings in outer submarginal area and the same colour marking near anal angle. Underside of forewing bears the transverse white band as on upperside. Ab. No.1 is apparently very similar to ab. horina, in which the submarginal yellow crescent markings on underside of hindwing extend inwards to approach or fuse the white markings, but differs from it in having the white markings, which extend outwards to approach or fuse the submarginal yellow crescent markings. On upperside of hindwing also, ab. No.1 have much outwards extending large markings, on the contrary, the markings of hindwing on upperside in ab. horina are constantly normal. Tail of hindwing in ab. No.1 tends to become short. Ab. No.3 is a form in which all submarginal yellow crescent markings of hindwing on underside changed to darkish yellow. In ab. No.4, the same crescent markings as well as whitish yellow markings near anal angle changed to white. In ab. No.5. the same crescant markings extend to outend to outer margin, becoming the large patches, which bear the greyish yellow scales. We have two deformities of chaonulus. In only right hindwing on both sides of them, the white markings extend towards the discoidal cell. Papilio helenus fortunius have two aberrant forms. Ab. No.8, is a form extinguishing all submarginal red crescent markings on hindwing of underside. In contrast with it, ab. No.9, have the same red crescent markings extending inwards to become large patches. To Papilio protenor amaurus belong ab. No.10, and ab. kagaribi Nakahara. In the former, all markings of hindwing on underside disappeared, the latter have much enlarged red markings of the same. The race amaurus is usually tailless in hindwing, and have very rarely a tail, however this tail does not so perfectly produce as in the Japanese race demetrius. It is shorter and narrower than in demetrius. Normal form of demetrius has the tail, but rarely the tail degenerates to become short and narrow size (ab. tokionis), which is quite same as the tailed form of amaurus. Probably, ab, tokionis suggests the prototype of protenor before the two races demetrius and amaurus differentiate. Here I give the description of a new species, Neptis disparalis, from Poli, Central Formosa. The type-specimen was misidentified, by A. Shibatani (1943) as Neptis mahendra reducta, and by T. Shirozu (1960) as a spring form of Neptis soma lutatia. The new species is very allied to N. soma lutatia, but all white markings are more developed. On upperside of forewing, the white streak in discoidal cell is more distinct, becomes bold in tip. The white markings of interspaces 1b,3,5,6,7 are larger. The central white band of hindwing is much distinct, becomes bold from inner margin to outer one. All white markings of both wings on upperside look somewhat pale. Ground colour of underside is lighter. The central white band of hindwing on underside does not pass in the base of interspace 4 (passes in soma lutatia). The process in the tip of valve, of male genitalia, is wider, and the ventral process is sharper than the allied Neptis species such as aceris, soma lutatia, yerburyi, nandina formosana, etc.
- 日本鱗翅学会の論文
- 1968-10-31
- 日本書紀における陰陽道的記事と妖兆思想の変転
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- 質疑応答
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