- 論文の詳細を見る
This study aims to elucidate the effect of salinity and CO_2 gas on dissolution characteristics of limestone in seawater. Laboratory experiments were carried out using three kinds of limestone of Okinawa (Motobu, Ryukyu and Awa-ishi) and four kinds of artificial seawater with quarter, half, normal and twice of salt concentrations. Tablet-type specimen (3.5-cm diameter, 1.0-cm height) was treated with pure water and seawater of 200.0mL during 360 days at first, then, the system was in the atmosphere containing CO_2 of 5% and N_2 of 95% during 60 days. After the experiment, major element concentration and surface chemical composition were analyzed. Precipitate minrals were also determined. Experimental results in pure water under closed condition showed that porous limestone (Awa-ishi) dissolved remarkably, whereas compact limestone (Motobu) formed precipitate products of calcite on its surface which dissolved subsequently under CO_2 gas atmosphere. In the reaction of limestone with seawater, dissolution and precipitation were interchanged easily according to some conditions. Product mineral of calcite formed on the surface under closed condition, and aragonite precipitated at Motobu limestone under high salt concentration and CO_2 gas condition. Additionally, dissolution did not proceed currently at high salt concentration, but proceeded at low salt concentration under the closed condition. Under CO_2 gas condition, limestone dissolved more remarkably at higher salt concentration.
- 2010-07-25
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