- 論文の詳細を見る
The pressure fluctuations induced by marine propellers are usually measured by means of pressure transducers fitted on hull plate or the local plate of ocean structure. In such a case the pressure transducers are oscillated with the plate, so the measured pressure fluctuations would be shifted from the real pressure fluctuations. If these vibrations are excessive, the effect of vibrations on the measured pressure fluctuations should be corrected. In this paper, as one of the simple cases the pressure fluctuations on the flat plate uniformly oscillated by an electromagnetic exciter were studied. The relationship between the vibrations of the plate and the resulting pressure fluctuations obtained by the transducer was examined. This paper would be useful to correct the effect of plate vibrations on the measured pressure fluctuations in the case that the plate vibrates uniformly in the water.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1985-05-30
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