- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of change in the ratio L/B upon resistance and propulsion has been investigated by a three-model series. The three models have the same block coefficient C_B (0.65), the same ratio B/d (3.4), the same midship section coefficinet C_M (0.970), and the similar sectional area curve and frame line of aft body. The three models differ in the ratio L/B (6.0, 5.25 and 4.5) and in the sectional area curve and load waterline of fore body. Each of models has the sectional area curve of fore body which is obtained as the optimum wave making resistance coefficient by the regression analysis method. The regression analysis method used here is modified from Tagano's method.The results of resistance and propulsion tests and wave measurement with these models are presented. These tests with the exception of the wave measurement were conducted at the design displacement and ballast condition (65% of the design displacement). The wave measurements were conducted at the design displacement only. The wake survey was conducted at the design displacement of the model which has the widest beam (L/B=4.5).From the results of tests, these three models have less wave making resistance coefficients at the design speed of the design displacement than expected by the regression analysis method. These models, however, have larger form factors.Therefore, the model of the widest beam was modified at the stern and resistance and propulsion tests and wake survey test were conducted at the same two conditions. This results shows some improvement in form factor.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1982-05-31
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