磁気ひずみ効果を利用した図示馬力の遠隔指示装置 : 第1報 ストローク微分型指示装置
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This paper deals with a new instrument invented for measuring indicated horsepower, indicated mean effective pressure and the maximum cylinder pressure of a Diesel engine. If an oscilloscope is used, this instrument can display a diagram of cylinder pressure vs time or cylinder volume on it. The feature of this instrument is that the pressure transducer utilizing the magnetostriction effect is mechanically tough and has very large output. The basic principle of the mean effective pressure measuring system is to compute electrically the area of the pressure curve against cylinder volume per cycle, and this computation is performed by integrating the product of cylinder pressure and derivative of cylinder volume with respect to time over the period of a cycle. Horsepower is obtained as a product of mean effective pressure and revolutional speed. The cylinder pressures picked up with the magnetostrictive pressure indicator are compared with the reference pressures obtained with a Farnbolo indicator, and it is verified that the values of both pressure indicators are in good agreement. On indicated mean effective pressure and indicated horsepower, the readings obtained with the new instrument agree with the values obtained by means of measuring the area of the pressure vs volume curve with a planimeter within about three per cent accuracy and the maximum cylinder pressure examined with a Henni indicator shows accuracy better than two per cent.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1971-08-31
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- 磁気ひずみ効果を利用した図示馬力の遠隔指示装置 : 第1報 ストローク微分型指示装置
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- タイトル無し