- 論文の詳細を見る
Shipping industry has endeavored to establish the logistics partnership with shippers in two directions. One is composed of the long term transport contract and the medium term contract of affreightment in bulk carrier and tanker shipping markets in order to avoid the sudden and drastic change in free market freight rates, both of which are the transformation of consecutive voyage charter contracts based on the full cost principle including the stable profit. The other is the development of third party logistics, which is the response of liner shipping to logistics strategies of shippers of finished goods and parts in manufacturing and distribution industries. It is certain that the basic stream of logistics partnership has been supported either by the voluntary originality conception in free shipping markets or the policy inducement of government in oligopolistic one. Thus the sufficient condition of logistics partnership has been established by the effort of firm or government. At the same time it is necessary for the market participants to seize the chance of structural changes in shipping life cycles as the necessary condition for building up the logistics partnership. The purpose of this paper is to make clear the necessary and sufficient condition for logistics partnership establishment from the viewpoint of system building and structural change in shipping industry.
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