生活施設実習過程における実習生のモチベーション変動及び影響を与える要因 : 児童養護施設実習を経験した実習生の記録から(高田眞治名誉教授追悼号)
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The quality and quantity of social work practicum is recently an oft-discussed to@pic. In considering it, it is most important that there be cooperation among institutions, schools, and students in thinking about the training program. The first stepin this consideration is to examine students' motivation change during the time they are engaged in the practicum. We feel it is necessary not only to analyze motivation, but also to observe and report on how motivation changes over time. The purpose of this paper thus is to research motivation, and 3explore the factors which affect students' motivation and any changes in their motivation. We chose five students who have experience in a residential practicum at nursing institution for children. We then analyzed their jounals and papers which show changes in their work motivation and factors affecting those changes. One r3esult of our research is that we found there are three factors that affect changes. One result of our research is that we found there are three factors that affect changes. The first factor was "the relationship with children". Students wonder about the gap between reality and the ideal and had difficulty in expressing themselves in front of children. The second factor was "the change of vision by progression of time". First students freeze on one-to-one relationship with child. Then they paid greater attention to child's environment and merits and demerits of institutional care life. The third factor that affects motivation changes was found to be "the training program". As soon as students began to get more accustomed to their again "making relations with the child". We suggest that both thew supervisor and practicum instructor need to work more carefully and attentively with students in order to maintain the continuity of practicum training so that students can more deeply consider what th3ey must do in their work.
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