現代企業の所有・支配・ガバナンス : 村田和彦教授の批判に応える(2)(一ノ瀬篤教授退任記念号)
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Prof. K. Murata made a detailed discussion of ownership and control of contemporary corporations in his thick book KIGYOU SHIHAI NO KEIEIGAKU(2006). In his book, my view comes up for discussion and singled out for criticism as one of seven chapters. My view take the position that shareholders lost controlling power of corporations substantially, and professional managers seized power and authority over corporations instead. I clarified the reasons mentioning the structural characteristics of contemporary corporations. Prof. Murata, to the contrary, make the point that major stockholders still has strong power essentially and Kataoka's view overlooked the actual conditions. The former paper <1> referred to two points, rebutting to Prof. K. Murata's critical view. (1) Conceptual content of the word "own", and differences between ownership and real owning activities. (2) Stockholders substantially belong to the world of fictitious capital, and they are basically cut off from the world of real capital movement.In this paper <2>, I take up the following three points for discussions. (3) Concept of functionable capitalist -does it mean major shareholders or professional management organizations ? (4) Discussions about alienation point of view. (5) Discussions about driving forces of changes of ownership and control in contemporary corporations.
- 2010-02-25
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