流水・土砂流出に対する植物指標の可能性 : ヤナギの地上形態を指標とした場合
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Understanding stream flow and sediment runoff is essential in trying to maintain rivers and streams. In this study, the authors explored the possibility of above-surface morphologies of vegetation as indicators for comprehensively understanding stream flow and sediment runoff by using a simple method. In order to determine such indicator plants along with their characteristic features as indicators, we conducted classifications of plant species in riparian zone and bar islands and recorded changes of their above-surface morphologies. Meanwhile, we monitored re-growth of cutoff main branches. As a result, we selected willow (salix) as an indicator plant, and height, whether or not there is replacement of main branch as indicative vegetation features. We then examined any traces on the indicative features left by stream flow and sediment runoff. Although there are advantages and disadvantages, by examining the traces, we can utilize these morphological features as vegetation indicators for understanding patterns of stream flow and sediment runoff.
- 流水・土砂流出に対する植物指標の可能性 : ヤナギの地上形態を指標とした場合
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