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It is well known that physical exercise produces many physiological effects that promote both physical and mental. On the other hand, depending on exercise intensity that physical exercise gives negative effect similar to stress. The exercise load is one of important factor, therefore. In this study, the lactate threshold (LT) was one of parameter to estimate running exercise intensity in rats were determined. Male Wistar Imamichi strain 17-week rats were divided into the following into >LT and <LT, running training at intensity 30% higher than LT and 30% lower than LT, respectively. Body weight gain and wet weights of adrenal, thymus and soleus muscle were compared with control group (C). The body weight gain in >LT was significantly lower than <LT and control group, while wet weight of organs were not significantly between three groups. These results suggests that >LT running training may promote body weight reduction
- 活水女子大学の論文
- 2009-03-31
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