明代の鐡砲傳來とオスマン帝國 : 神器譜と西域土地人物略(慶應義塾創立百年記念論文集)
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The 神器譜 or the Record of the Sacred Machines written by Chao Shih-chen 趙土禎 of the Ming period, tells various matters about fire-arms. He stated in his work that the Lu-mi gun was the best weapon among the fire-arms of those days. The word " Lu-mi" 〓密 is no doubt the Lu-mi that was introduced as 魯迷 (Lu-mi) in the 明史 (The History of Ming Dynasty) and means the Ottoman Empire as presumed by Bretschneider in his article "Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources." However, the question is that how the fire-arms were introduced to China by the Othmans. According to the Ming shih lu (the Authentic Record of Ming Dynasty), the Lu-mi 魯迷 paid tribute to the Chinese Court in the 16th century. At that time, the Ottoman Empire was at its zenith under Suleiman the Magnificent, and the might of his Empire even reached as far as Europe. It is possible, therefore, that the Othmans could introduce their fire-arms such a distance as -China. It must be a mention-able fact that the Othman- Turks introduced firearms to the eastern country by land through the highway-the Silk Road- competing with the Portuguese who came to the Far East by sea from the south with their fire-arms.
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