アンドレ・ジャコブ氏を迎えて : 三田哲学講演会,A.ジャコブ氏「時間の問題性」の原稿翻訳と講演会報告
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『時間の問題性(La Problématique du temps)』アンドレ・ジャコブ(André Jacob) I. 時間性概念の一般性 A. 経験と表象 B. 認識論の射程 II. 人間的時間の特殊性 A. 人間的時間の条件 B. 人間的時間の実践的重要性 結論Here is a translation of Professor Andre Jacob's lecture, "La problematique du temps", given on October 13th 1993 at Mita-Tetsugaku-kai (Mita Association for philosophy), with his academic profile. Mr. Andre Jacob is ememitus professor at University of Paris X and editor of EncycloPedie philosophique universelle (P.U.F.). He has published many philosophical books and papers on the problem of language, time and ethics. This lecture was the problem of time. After making the general survey of the concept of time, he discussed the special feature of 'human time' and its close relationship with language and otherness. He also stressed the practical and creative aspect of 'human time' in our life. He responded to questions from the audience and the lecture ended in great success.
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- アンドレ・ジャコブ氏を迎えて : 三田哲学講演会,A.ジャコブ氏「時間の問題性」の原稿翻訳と講演会報告
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