主観の空間性と心身問題 : 幻影肢と身体図式に関する哲学的考察
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1. 序2. デカルトと幻影肢3. ヘッドの「図式」による幻影の解明4. シルダーの「身体像」5. 考察と結論The purpose of this essay is to clarify the way in which consciousness localizes sensations, through an interpretation of a pathological phenomenom, the phenomenon of phantom limb. We compare Descartes' classic theory about 'the phantom limb' and localization of sensations with the modern psycho-physio-logical theories by H. Head and P. Schilder which insist on the importance of 'body-schema' for localization and body-movement or action as essential factors for the formation of the schema. Their studies show that the phantom limb is a 'habitual body' which the patient continues to hold in spite of the loss of his limb. According to Head and Schilder, consciousness localizes sensations through its own whole body which acts and moves, not only through its immovable brain. Finally, we conclude that the space is not only an object of perception, but is also related to body-movement or action, and that phenomenal or subjective space is sustained by objective space through actions and body-movements.
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- 主観の空間性と心身問題 : 幻影肢と身体図式に関する哲学的考察