ラット骨髄細胞を用いるin vivoの急性・亜急性染色体異常試験に関する基礎的研究
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Acute (6 hour) and subacute (5 day) cytogenetic screening tests were developed using rat bone marrow cells. The test conditions such as dose, route, vehicle, harvest time, and frequency of treatment were studied with typical chemical carcinogens having different chemical structures. The following test system was adopted as a standard method. Young Long-Evans rats were intraperitoneally injected with saline solution or suspension of test chemicals and % of aberrant metaphases in the bone marrow cells was scored 6 hours after the treatment (acute test). Subacute test consisted of 5 daily injections followed by harvest 6 hours after the last injection. The method was applied on 24 known typical carcinogens and 15 structurally related known non-carcinogens and a good correlation was obtained between carcinogenicity and the positive results especially with non-hepatic and non-urinary bladder carcinogens. This test was also applied on 110 environmental chemicals or 37 food additives, 38 medical drugs, 18 industrial chemicals, and 17 agricultural chemicals. The results indicate that 32 (68%) of the 47 known carcinogens gave a positive result and 46(86%) of 53 known non-carcinogens gave a negative result ; thus giving 78% of accuracy and 82% of predictive value. Therefore, the in vivo cytogenetic test was considered to be useful for rapid screening of chemical carcinogens in our environment.
- 神戸大学の論文
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- ラット骨髄細胞を用いるin vivoの急性・亜急性染色体異常試験に関する基礎的研究
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