- 論文の詳細を見る
Obligations towards personal kins and friends frequently conflict with obligations to the broader society Such a dilemma between private and public in Athenian democracy is here explored The case of Andocides, who decided to inform against his friends on their anti-social mutilation of the hermai in 415 B C, provides a rare opportunity to compare reports of different contemporary attitudes The real facts of the case are not here considered, rather the reaction of public opinion (1) It is legitimate to deal with the hermai affair independently of the profanations of the Mysteries While the affair of the Mysteries was a social phenomenon, repeated and secretly prevailed on wider range of Athenian society, there is a good reason to regard the mutilation as the intention of a single hetaireia (2) Andocides maintains that the mutilation was to confirm the pistis (fidelity) of his hetaireia He dares to explain their offense to have been just for friendship of their hetaireia (3) After the offense, his fellow members of the hetaireia demanded his silence for the sake of friendship On his account, it was not until he was jailed with his father and other kinsmen on suspicion of the offense, and entreated by his cousin Charmides to tell the whole truth to save them, that he thought of informing against the hetaireia members Here contemporary sources show problematic discrepancies in the recognition of his betrayal (4) According to Thucydides, the main object of the persuasion was that Andocides should save himself and the polis at the same time On the other hand, Andocides explains in On the Mysteries that the main point of Charmides' entreaty was that Andocides should decide between kinsmen and fellow hetairoi, he apologizes for his decision to save many innocent kinsmen by informing against only four friends He argues, contrary to Thycydides, that his own benefit was out of consideration, even the interest of the polis seems to be a secondary matter, coming into consideration only after he had decided to inform The same process of decision-making is preferred also in On his return (5) However, in Against Andocides, Andocides is accused of betraying both kinsmen and friends in order to save himself The point at issue is whether his behavior can be condemned in view of private friendship, not its legitimacy in view of public benefit It is concluded that, at least in the world of forensic speeches, Andocides was neither expected to betray his fellow hetairoi for the benefit of the polis, nor justified in doing so Similar views are found to be expressed in other forensic speeches In classical Athens, the public sphere did not hold superiority over the private one, rather, the opposite
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- 古典期アテナイにおけるフィリアと共同体--「何人でも欲するもの」による訴追について
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- 前4世紀アテナイの親族関係--イサイオスの法廷弁論を中心として
- 書評 Robert Parker, Polytheism and Society at Athens
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