- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study aimed at investigating adolescents' unwillingness to get a job and the related factors. Six hundred and fifty-five university students were administered four measures of unwillingness to get a job, career decision-making self-efficacy, vocational identity status, and image of "engaging in an occupation". Analysis of variance, with unwillingness score as dependent variable and faculty and sex as factors, yielded the result that the students of Faculties of Letters, Sciences, Engineering and Agriculture were more unwilling to get a job than those of Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy. On the basis of vocational identity status measure, the students were classified into five statuses, that is, Identity Achievement, Foreclosure, Moratorium, Identity Diffusion before Crisis and Identity Diffusion after Crisis. The students of Identity Diffusion before Crisis and Identity Diffusion after Crisis scored higher on the unwillingness measure than those of Identity Achievement, Foreclosure and Moratorium. Multiple regression analyses revealed that unwillingness was significantly predicted by career decision-making self-efficacy, especially expectations with regard to two competencies: occupational information gathering and career planning. Moreover, the students who were unwilling to get a job rated "engaging in an occupation" more negatively than those who were not. Results and implications for counseling interventions are discussed.
- 日本キャリア教育学会の論文
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