- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to develop a new practical method in order to improve the discrepancy between theory and practice of career guidance. The new method consists of the guidance based on the "semantic translation" and the guidance based on the so called "hensa-chi" or the standerdized scale forecasting the probability of success in the entrance examination of schools of higher grade. The former means the theoretical method to consider the interrelationship between self-concept and schools or occupations. The latter means the usual method which is the most popular as a practical method.in the acutual schools and causes the discrepancy between theory and practice. In the present study, an experimental method was administered to 160 male university students. In comparing the two groups, i. e., the experimental group where the new method was introduced and the control group using the usual method based on just "hensa-chi", the new method was significantly more effective than the usual method on the scale for measuring career development. This indicated that the new method was proved to be effective as a practical method to improve the discrepancy between theory and practice, because this method could combine the usual method with the theory of career guidance.
- 日本キャリア教育学会の論文
- 1992-11-01
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