- 論文の詳細を見る
The state of water in cells in biological systems has been studied extensively by NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy. The longitudinal (T_1) or transverse (T_2) relaxation times of water protons provide invaluable information about the dynamic state of tissue water. For a decade, we have been studying changes in NMR relaxation behaviors in plants that resulted from the influence of various types of environmental stress. Our studies revealed that although Ti in plant tissues is primarily influenced by water contents, they are influenced not only by inherent factors in plants such as age, species, tissues and organs, but also by extrinsic conditions including environmental stresses. The Ti relaxation times are also influenced by the state of water balance in cells and tissues. Water balance is implied by total water contents, distribution of water in different compartments and interactions of water, macromolecules and secondary metabolites such as phenol derivatives in plants. In plant materials, however, the interpretation of the data in Tx needs special care different from the study of animal materials because plant cells contain characteristic organella such as chloroplasts, vacuoles and cell walls, and also the presence of unique water conducting systems (vascular bundles). Consequently, it is clear that the T_1 measurement in plants can be used for monitoring the primary response to various types of environmental stresses such as freezing, chilling, heat, salt, UV radiation and biotic (insect gall formation) stress and for a comparative evaluation of the stress sensitivities.
- 低温生物工学会の論文
- 1994-12-27
- 乾燥ストレス下のササゲにおける水の動態とアクアポリンとの関係(平成19年度 第53回低温生物工学会研究報告)
- P-33 登熟過程における「にこまる」と「ヒノニカリ」籾の温度ストレス応答の差異(日本作物学会第225回講演会)
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- P-44 ダイズとインゲンマメの発芽過程における水分動態と組織化学的特性(日本作物学会第226回講演会)
- 植物体の環境ストレス応答の^1H-NMRによる研究(平成6年度第40回低温生物工学会研究報告)
- ^H-NMRによる植物体の見ずの動態研究
- 2Ba12 木本植物の葉における虫瘻形成に伴う^1H-NMR 緩和時間と含水量の変化
- 1Bp-10 水プロトンNMR緩和時間の温度ヒステリシスによるグロキシニア葉の冷温感受性と傷害の研究
- 2Da-2 低温感受性植物の葉組織における水プロトンのNMR緩和時間の温度ヒステリシス
- 1Cp-9 水プロトンNMR緩和時間によるツツジの花芽における凍結傷害の判定
- 1Aa-8 ツツジの花芽に含まれる水のNMRによる研究
- 1Bp-1 ツツジの越冬花芽の過冷却能力と含水量に及ぼす温度要因の影響
- Determination of the Phase Change in the 1H-NMR Relaxation Behavior of Dehydrating Soybean Seed Using the AIC Method
- 山口県秋芳洞洞口のトゥファ形成に及ぼすシアノバクテリアの寄与
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- 1B-18 木本茎の凍結過程 (3)
- 2A-16 木本茎の凍結過程(1) : Weigelaの枝の凍結曲線分析
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- 48 過冷却した針葉における自発凍結の統計的性質
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