食品中のイオン成分に関する基礎的研究(第1報) : ビールの味覚に対するリン酸イオンの関与について
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Phosphate and its salt are added to many food as food additives such as pH adjustants. Phosphates also affect the taste of food in many ways. To beer products, phosphates are added to help fermentation, and they may contribute to taste of beer. So we examined the effect of phophoric anion on the taste of beer. Beer samples were purchased from the market and the reagents used in this experiment were of analytical grade. Phosphoric anion was determined by Shimadzu PIA-100 ion chromatograph equipped with Shim-pack IC-A3 (S) column (2.0mm i.d. ×150mm), electric conductivity detector. The mobile phase was 8mM p-hydroxybenzoate and 3.2mM Bis-Tris mixture solution, and elution rate was 0.2ml/min. Sample was degassed and filterered (0.45μm) before injection. Injection volume was 10μl. The taste study was conducted according to common methods and 12 volunteers per each beer sample were randomly selected. The kind of taste or feelings of beer samples tested were bitter and gulpy feeling. The results were as follows: 1) The chromatographic separation of several stansard anions following conditions described above was good enough to determine each anions. The recovery rate of 12.5ppm phosphoric anion added to beer sample was 90.4-109.6% (99.2% mean). 2) The concentration of phosphoric anion ranged from 200 to 400ppm and differed from brand to brand even if they were brewed at the same company. But there were little difference among the lot of same brand. 3) The concentration of phosphoric anion and the extent of bitter taste were positively correlated with correlation coefficient of 0.7473 as shown in Fig. 1. There was no correlations between the content of phosphoric anion and other factors examined in this study.
- 1997-08-25
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