花と幽玄と器と : 世亜彌の稽古思想
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花幽玄器Zeatni was great not only as an actor and a writer of No Drama, but also as a theorist who had performed his esthetic and educational theory on a basis of the Buddhist logic. The present thesis has made inquire into three basic principles of his educational theory, how to get training to become a good actor. Of these three principles, the first one is 'Hana' meaning a flower fresh and charming, that is a principle of exhibiting skilfulness performing the drama. The second one is 'Yugen' meaning profound beauty, that is an esthetic principle ruling over act and dance, song and music, and every thing else composing the drama. The third one is 'Utsuwa' meaning a case or a vessel, that is a principle of actor's talents or genius. These principles are clearly explained on a basis of the Buddhist philosphy in his secret writings which were given only to the permited successors.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 慶應義塾一貫教育制度の成立 : 福沢の生と死とをめぐって
- 花と稽古の論理 : 世阿弥の世界
- 秘伝書哀史 : 将軍たちと世阿弥との間
- 『芝新銭座慶応義塾之記』に関する若干の考証(三)
- 『芝新銭座慶応義塾之記』に関する若干の考証(二)
- 『芝新銭座慶応義塾之記』に関する若干の考証(一)
- 『慶応義塾紀事』に関する若干の考証
- 花の公案(二) : 世阿弥の稽古思想
- 花の公案 : 世阿弥の稽古思想
- 命には終りあり,能には果てあるべからず : 世阿彌の生涯稽古思想
- 年来稽古 : 世阿彌の稽古思想
- 花と幽玄と器と : 世亜彌の稽古思想
- 慶応義塾起原考(III 教育,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集)
- 福沢諭吉のみた父百助(小林澄兄先生古稀記念論文集)
- 初期慶應義塾の學問(慶應義塾史研究特輯)
- 四.フランス
- 花伝或問 : 「世阿弥の芸能稽古論」に関する三つの質疑(第五十集記念号)
- 学貧之説 : 『正法眼蔵随聞記』を読む(橋本孝先生古希記念論文集)
- 信の現成 : 道元の學道論(船田三郎教授還暦記念特輯)
- 明治維新の教育政策の性格 : 近代日本教育史序説(川合博士古稀記念特輯)
- 「學制」頒布前後事情