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小林澄兄先生古稀記念論文集はしがき俗吏経学者詩文家むすびBefore beginning to learn an European language, Dutch, at the age of twenty-one years in 1854, Yukichi Fukuzawa had studied many Chinese books for five or six years in the classical atmosphere of Confucianism. The mind of young Yukichi had been, in several respects, formed in his teens in this feudual classical atmosphere. Three persons especially made important impressions upon him: his father, Hyakusuke, his elder brother, Sannosuke and his teacher, Shozan Shiraishi. His father influenced him by the moral theory of the school of Horikawa; and his brother, one of the school of Banri Hoashi, stimulated him to learn Dutch', and his teacher, one of the school of Sorai Ogyu, stirred up an interest in history and economy in young Yukichi's mind. Of these three persons I have only taken up his father in this thesis. Yukichi wrote, in 1878, a letter and a note; the former was a letter written to his father's friend Ritsuen Nakamura, and the latter was a note given to his sons and daughters. In these sentences he drew the image of his late father, Hyakusuke, who died at the age of forty-five years in 1836, when Yukichi was only three years old. I have used his image of Hyakusuke as the key to my research into the influences of his father on him.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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- 花と稽古の論理 : 世阿弥の世界
- 秘伝書哀史 : 将軍たちと世阿弥との間
- 『芝新銭座慶応義塾之記』に関する若干の考証(三)
- 『芝新銭座慶応義塾之記』に関する若干の考証(二)
- 『芝新銭座慶応義塾之記』に関する若干の考証(一)
- 『慶応義塾紀事』に関する若干の考証
- 花の公案(二) : 世阿弥の稽古思想
- 花の公案 : 世阿弥の稽古思想
- 命には終りあり,能には果てあるべからず : 世阿彌の生涯稽古思想
- 年来稽古 : 世阿彌の稽古思想
- 花と幽玄と器と : 世亜彌の稽古思想
- 慶応義塾起原考(III 教育,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集)
- 福沢諭吉のみた父百助(小林澄兄先生古稀記念論文集)
- 初期慶應義塾の學問(慶應義塾史研究特輯)
- 四.フランス
- 花伝或問 : 「世阿弥の芸能稽古論」に関する三つの質疑(第五十集記念号)
- 学貧之説 : 『正法眼蔵随聞記』を読む(橋本孝先生古希記念論文集)
- 信の現成 : 道元の學道論(船田三郎教授還暦記念特輯)
- 明治維新の教育政策の性格 : 近代日本教育史序説(川合博士古稀記念特輯)
- 「學制」頒布前後事情