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Statistical studies throughout the year on the state of Dirofilariaimmites infestation in 291 adult dogs ranging in age from 2 to 3 years and used in experiments in our department gave the following results, based on examination for microfilaria and autopsy. 1) The average rate of infestation by Dirofilariaimmites throughout the year was 60%. Expressed monthly, the lowest value was seen in October (26%), followed by a rapid increase reaching the maximum value in February (100%) and gradually decreasing again towards the fall. 2) The rate of negative detection of microfilaria from the dogs infested with Dirofilariaimmites was 28% as the average throughout the year. No monosexual infestation of a male was seen. 3) A marked seasonal difference was seen in the rate of detection of microfilaria from the blood stream. The rate reached 100% in the summer and decreased to 20% in the winter. 4) During the summer, raising the dogs in a low temperature room (4-6℃) resulted in a marked decrease in microfilaria in the blood stream within a few days. In a study of the blood in each organ, an accumulation of microfilaria in the blood in the lung was demonstrated. Upon returning the dogs to normal room temperature, the microfilaria left the lung in the course of several days, and reappeared again in the blood stream. Consequently, in most of the infested animals in whom detection of microfilaria from the blood stream was negative, a shift of microfilaria in the body under the influence of low temperature had probably occurred due to a shift of larvae in the body. 5) Changes in the temperature of respiratory air appeared to play an important role in the shift of microfilaria from the lung to the blood stream due to the change in environmental temperature.
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