肝胆道系疾患,とくに,閉塞性黄疸における^<131>I Rose Bengal試験の検討
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Radioactive (^<131>I-labelled) rose bengal has been used by many workers in the estimation of liver function since its introduction by Taplin and his associates in 1955. Most employed the external counting techniques; some used the first rectilinear portion of the blood disappearance curve for the evaluation of hepatic function. In this investigation, the blood disappearance curve of ^<131>IRB following a single intravenous administration was examined experimentally in dogs and clinically in patients with hepatobiliary diseases, with particular attention to obstructive jaundice. The blood disappearance curve of ^<131>IRB can be analyzed into two exponentials. Also, it was revealed in the dog experiments that the hepatic extraction rate of ^<131>IRB diminishes with time. The bi-exponential blood disappearance curve is accordingly attributed to the hepatic extraction rate pattern. Illustrated by a two-compartment model including the involved back-diffusion, the rate constants of transfer of ^<131>IRB from the blood to the liver (K_L), from the liver to the bile (K_B), and from the liver to the blood (K_L') can be obtained by mathematical analysis of the blood disappearance curve of thedye. The rate constant K_L was observed to diminish approximately in proportion to the degree of jaundice. In the presence of bile stagnation, K_B gave low values, while K_L' was high in severe cases and not raised in mild cases. The rate of liver excretion to total liver transfer, that is, liver excretion plus back-diffusion, decreased proportionate to elevated bile stagnation. K_L and K_B dropped and KL' rose during jaundice exacerbation, reversing the tendency upon remission. A reduced K_B value in patients without jaundice indicates the possibility of the subsequent occurrence of jaundice. In obstructive jaundice, there were low values for K_L and K_B and a raised K_L'. In hepatitis and in Banti's syndrome, a reduction in K_L and a rather raised value for K_B was observed.
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