- 論文の詳細を見る
In this report, the pre-therapy EEG (i.e. the EEG of epileptic patients who had never been treated before) was evaluated from two aspects. A) In 26 cases of epileptics, the following 4 successive EEGs were studied: 1) before medication; 2) 12 months after medication; 3) 72 hours after withdrawal; and 4) 3 years later during medication. In reference to seizure discharge, there were only 4 cases which showed the same abnormalities in all records, while, as to basic pattern, 18 remained unchanged. These results showed that in epilepsy the basic pattean was more stable than the seizure discharge for 3-year period. B) 100 patients who had never been treated before were selected. After pre-therapy EEG recording all were followed up for 3 years under regular antiepileptic medication. They were divided into three groups according to their basic pattern: normal group-39; dysrhythmic group-31 ; and a slow pattern group-30. In the normal group, those having onset of seizures before 15 years of age were few and had definitely poor prognosis in terms of seizure freqency and social adaptation. However, those with onset after 15 showed good prognosis. Of the dysrhythmic group, those with early oset (seizure- be for age 10) had a significantly better prognosis than those with later onset. As to the slow pattern group, prognosis and seizure onset were not correlated. From the above findings, it was concluded that the basic pattern of pre-therapy EEG in reference to the age of seizure onset was a relatively important factor in determining prognosis.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1964-09-28
若菜 坦
浜村 道子
若菜 坦
荒川 直人
浜村 道子
守屋 健
村上 秀映
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