- 論文の詳細を見る
Nervous disturbances in diabetic patients, particularly from the point of absence or diminution of tendon reflexes were studied. In 64.5 per cent of 84 cases under observation, there was either a total absense or diminution of the patellar tendon reflex. This disturbance was more marked where blood glucose level was specially high, in cases of long duration, or when the patient was advanced in age. Administration of early and sufficient treatment showed good results in amelioration. In diabetic patients, ,the correlation of H wave and M wave in their threshold and amplitde, fluctuation of H wave, and spinal reflex transmission recovery curve showed that the spinal function was depressed. These phenomena were nearly parallel to a weakness of the patellar tendon reflex, however, they also improved with early and sufficient antidiabetic treatment. Such depression of the spinal function in diabetic patients is reversible in its early stage, and is to be considered due to functional disturbance of the gamma system.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1964-09-28
- H波と臨床神経診断(脳と神経の研究V)
- 14. 誘発筋電図の臨床的応用(第36回千葉医学会総会,第5回千葉県医師会学術大会連合大会演説要旨)
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- 18.当院におけるA型肝炎の発生状況(第702回千葉医学会例会・第1内科教室同門会例会)
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- タイトル無し