- 論文の詳細を見る
Up to now, a good many reserches on the transplanted graft have been made but comparatively few observations on the graft sticked alive. Much interested in the recovery of the functions in the transplanted graft, first we made the systematic and synthetic observation against the separate studies in the past and made the best use of the observation in deciding the time when the transplanted graft acquires physiological function; then we attempted to decide the time when the transplanted graft would give some harmful influences during the process of the recovery. We made the experimental tests with rabbits in the auto-transplanted graft by Krauze's method and made intradermal salt solution test, methylen blue discolorisation test, vasodilation test and the growth of hair test. As the result of these tests we could find that intradermal salt solution test, recovered completely eight weeks after the operation, and that it took ten weeks for methylen blue discolorisation to recover and vasodilation test got well again five weeks after the operation. In short, the lesion on the transplanted graft due to the operation went to the worst condition after two weeks and then gradually took a favourable turn. At first owing to the blood vessels newly made, the circulation of blood was to be seen, then followed normalization of occult edema and electrolyte in the cells and among each tissues, and at last oxydation reduction function recovered completely when the atrophy of the skin had been over. Considering this state of the growth of hair in its length and thickness compared with the normal state, the effects of the operation got to the highest four weeks after the operation and then the hair -increase -percentage gradually went down. We could observed the remarkable increase in thickness of hair but not such a remarkable change in its length compared with the normal one. It took seven weeks for the hair to go back again to the normalcy after the operation. As the result of these tests, we can say that during the first eight weeks the transplanted graft is most responsive to the outside stimulus, and it takes ten weeks for them to come back to the normal condition. And so we must take care not to give unnecessary injuries to the graft during this period, thinking that recovery of the sensation of the graft gets well again around sixty days after the operation.
- 千葉大学の論文
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