邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺 : 第1編 一般的観察
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Many studies have been done by many investigators in various fields of atrophic rhinitis, but their results are not the same. The author studied statistically on the subjective symptoms before and after operations, rhinoscopic, operative and rontgenologic findings, as well as age, sex and physique of 345 cases operated by Prof. M. KUBO in this clinic for 21 years (1930-1950). The author divided atrophic rhinitis into 3 classes to find the relation between these findings and the degree of atrophy in the nasal cavity : slight, middle and severe. Age of patients: 80 % of all patients were from 15 to 24 years old. There were more female patients,. but in severe atrophic group they were remarkably predominant in number (1:2). As the nasal symptoms and the typical symptoms of atrophic rhinitis appeared at different age, the author imagined that chronic rhinitis or chronic sinuitis preceded atrophic rhinitis in many cases. Subjective symptoms: abnormal nasal secretion was observed in 97 %, dry feeling of upper respiratory , tract in 75.9 %, headache in 69.2 %, impediment to olfactory sensation in 65.2 %, stuffiness in 63:4 %, nervous complaints in 24.9 %, complaints of ear in 20.3 %, stink in 18.2 %, hoarseness voice in 17.6 %: coughing and rhinolalia aperta were very few. Dry feeling, crusting, impediment to olfactory sensation, hoarseness increased in number according as the grade of atrophy in the nasal cavity : whereas the stuffiness and the discharge of nose decreased in number. In most patients the physique, the nutritive condition and the complexion were normal, but there were 23 % of them whose feature seemed rather dull. Forms of skull and face were mostly normal at a glance, and were not so characteristic as ever stressed by some. Complications : chronic inflammations of upper respiratory tract were found in 70.7 %. The inflammation of nano-and oropharynx of these cases occurred at the same time, and the inflammations of these parts increased as the atrophy in the nasal cavity was intensified in its grade. Sinuitis was found in 58.4 %, tonsilhypertrophy in 21.7 %: these wese in inverse proportion to the degree of atrophy in the nasal cavity. Disease of ear in 20.3 %; catarrh of middle ear and chronic otitis occupied greater part of these cases. Scarcely any complications of eye were found. Tuberculosis was few, because the only cases which could undergo the operation were selected.
- 1955-07-28
- 邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺 : 第1編 一般的観察
- 18) 内耳性脳膜炎の2例(第321回千葉医学会例会,第28回千葉耳鼻咽喉科例会連合会演説要旨)
- 耳性脳腫瘍8例の反省
- 邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺 : 第2編 副鼻腔病変
- 邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺 : 第3編 久保式萎縮性鼻炎手術の術効果に就いて
- 邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺-1〜3-
- 脳靜脉洞血栓に依る脳膜炎の1治験例