邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺 : 第2編 副鼻腔病変
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The author studied statistically the operative and rontgenologic findings of nasal sinuses of atrophic rhinitis. The inflammation of mucous membrane of maxillary sinus was found in 96.5 % (macroscopically). The secretion in sinus was observed in 53 % of these cases. The mucous membrane of sinuses was made fibrous, which was intensified, whereas the quantity of the secretion decreased, in proportion to the degree of the atrophy of the nasal cavity. The sinuswall was observed to be thick and hard in many cases; accordin accordingly in these cases the sinuses and ethmoid cells were small. The inflammations of ethmoid cells was observed in 46 %. The secretion in ethmoid cells was observed in 8 % of the cases. Thickness and hardness of ethmoidbone were found frequently. Findings by rontgenograms: 30 % of all cases lacked frontal sinus. The growth of ethmoid cells was checked in 38 %, and that of maxillary sinus in 49 %. Such phenomenon was remarkable in females. Ethmoid cells presented shadows in 83.7 %, maxillary sinuses in 78.5 %. These shadows were generally seen to be symmetrical. The relation between the operative and rontgenologic findings: the secretion in nasal sinuses had scarcely any influences upon the shadows of nasal sinuses, but thickness of bone and fibrous thickness of mucous membrane had great influence upon their shadows. Aniong these atrophic rhinitis there were some cases in which sinuses had grown normally and the condition. of mucous membrane and of bone wene also normal. Hence the author concluded that there were the primary type of the disease (not caused by inflammation of sinuses) and the secondary type (caused by inflammation of sinuses) and that the essential, quality of ozena and atrophic rhinitis was identical, the former being severer than the latter in the degree of the disease.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1955-07-28
- 邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺 : 第1編 一般的観察
- 18) 内耳性脳膜炎の2例(第321回千葉医学会例会,第28回千葉耳鼻咽喉科例会連合会演説要旨)
- 耳性脳腫瘍8例の反省
- 邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺 : 第2編 副鼻腔病変
- 邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺 : 第3編 久保式萎縮性鼻炎手術の術効果に就いて
- 邦人萎縮性鼻炎に関する知見補遺-1〜3-
- 脳靜脉洞血栓に依る脳膜炎の1治験例