Effect of soil type on the time-course of changes in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) productivity in Tokachi District, Hokkaido, Japan(Soil Fertility)
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To clarify the effect of soil type on changes in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) productivity since 1980 in Tokachi District (Hokkaido, Japan), we analyzed yield data from 121 settlements from 1980 to 2002 using maps of parent materials and surface organic matter contents in a geographical information system. The soil types were Brown Lowland soils, Andosols with an alluvial subsoil, Wet Andosols and Andosols. The sugar beet yields were highest in the Andosols and moderate in Andosols with an alluvial subsoil. Yields in Brown Lowland soils in the 1980s were similar to those in Andosols, but decreased below the yields in the Andosols by the 1990s. The yields in Wet Andosols were the lowest in the 1980s, but have been similar to those in Andosols with an alluvial subsoil since 1990. Thus, productivity appears to have varied over time in Brown Lowland soils and Wet Andosols. The correlation coefficients between yields and cumulative daily mean temperature from late April to mid-July since 1990 were highest in the Andosols (r=0.67), lowest in the Brown Lowland soils (r=0.50) and intermediate in the other soil types (r=0.54-0.60). However, the magnitude of the correlation between the yield and the cumulative precipitation since 1990 was lowest in the Andosols (r=-0.22), highest in the Brown Lowland soils (r=-0.58) and intermediate in the other soil types (r=-0.44 to -0.45). These results suggest that the present soil water environment in the Andosols is superior to that in the other soil types.
清野 伸孝
Kikuchi Koji
NIWA Katsuhisa
SEINO Nobutaka
HONGO Chiharu
Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University
Hongo Chiharu
Center For Environmental Remote Sensing Chiba University
Yokobori Jun
Zukosha Co. Ltd
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