愛知県におけるトルキスタンゴキブリBlatta lateralis(Walker)の倉庫内での生息状況
- 論文の詳細を見る
Turkistan cockroach, Blatta lateralis, nymphs of various stages of growth and male and female adults were collected from June through October in 2005 in a multi-floor warehouse in Aichi prefecture. They were captured from each floor, and were often collected together with the smoky-brown cockroach, Periplaneta fuliginosa. We considered that the colonies of B. lateralis could be established in this area and could become a harmful pest in central Japan.
- 日本ペストロジー学会の論文
- 2006-06-30
- 愛知県におけるトルキスタンゴキブリBlatta lateralis(Walker)の倉庫内での生息状況
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