- 論文の詳細を見る
This study note attempts to build a new model of office relocation. The primary assumption is that an office relocates to minimize the total cost which consists of the floor rent and the loss cost by the inadequate floor space. Once an office decides to relocate to dissolve the loss cost by the inadequate floor space according to the expansion of business, instead it should accept the market rent of the next new floor that is higher than the contract rent of the present floor and also accept the extraordinary expenditure for the relocation. The office should assess the total cost over the planned period and determine the optimal floor space for the next occupancy and the optimal date to relocate so that the total cost could be minimized. Thus the new model of office relocation is specified as the process of the discontinuous adjustment of floor space attended by the relocation cost. In the case of the one-period model the optimal solution becomes the two-criteria policy compared to the optimal inventory model. However, in the case of the multi-period model the solution is left unsolved.
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