<技術レジーム>とイノベーション・パターン : イノベーション・システムにおける制度問題(1)(秋元英一先生退職記念号)
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During the last two decades, not a few researchers have explored the proper balance between technology-based and institutionally based explanations of innovative activities. While neo-Schumpeterian economists propose a sectoral systems of innovation framework which puts a multidimensional, integrated and dynamic view of innovation, political economists ('Varieties of Capitalism' approach and 'regulation' approach) investigate the relationships between national or social institutions and the patterns of innovation. The article aims at combining, with some coherent framework, neo-Schumpeterian exploration of sectoral innovation systems and political economists' explanations of national or social systems of innovation. We will focus, in particular, on the causal relations between 'technological regimes' and 'comparative institutional advantages'. Part I examines the relationships between 'technological regime' (science and technology-specific factors) and sectoral innovation systems, which have been analyzed during 1990s-2000s by F. Malerba, L. Orsenigo and S. Breschi. First, a 'technological regime' is defined by the particular combination of four fundamental factors: technological (and learning) opportunities, appropriability conditions, cumulativeness of innovations and the properties of relevant knowledge base. Second, we confirm the causal relations between indicators defining the 'technological regime' and those of the Schumpeterian patterns of innovation (concentration of innovative activities, stability in the hierarchy of innovators and entry of new innovators). Third, it has turned out that the concept of 'technological regime' evolves gradually in Malerba et al., and we estimate the relevance of their notions of firms' competences, accessibility to knowledges external to firms and knowledge complementarities etc., going beyond the usual distinction between tacit and codified knowledges. Moreover, we appreciate their comparison among science-based sectors, which shows that low degrees of concentration in the pharmaceutical industry should be shaped, in contrast with the computer industry, by lack of cumulativeness in innovative activities and market fragmentation. Finally, we remark that the concept of 'technological regime' could entail organizational or institutional elements.
- 千葉大学の論文
- とイノベーション・パターン : イノベーション・システムにおける制度問題(1)(秋元英一先生退職記念号)
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