<論説>レギュラシオン理論の形成 : R. ボワイエの軌跡 (1)
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The macro modelling of a'fordian' growth regime proposed by R. Boyer has combined two lines of empirical and theoretical studies : on one hand the 'regulation' approach which focuses on the succession of different accumulation regimes, on the other hand the statistical researches which try to explain the slow-down of productivity and employment in Europe since the Seventies. The article aims at clarifying critically, along Boyer's path to macro formalizing, how the 'regulation' approach deales with technological change, wage labour nexus ('rapport salarial'), and investment determinants in the medium and long run. In this first part, it is argued that Boyer has investigated, based upon the evidence of various historical stylized facts, the originalities of wage formation and price trend after the World War II.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1994-03-02
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- レギュラシオン理論の形成 : R. ボワイエの軌跡 (2)
- レギュラシオン理論の形成 : R. ボワイエの軌跡 (1)