2Hp10 Application of combined partial nitritation : Anammox process for livestock wastewater treatment
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 2008-07-11
Furukawa Kenji
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
Furukawa K
Department Of Civil Engineering And Architecture Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Yamamoto Taichi
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
ISAKA Kazuichi
Hitachi Plant Technologies, Ltd.
Hitachi Plant Technologies, Ltd.
Qiao Sen
Dept. Civil Eng. Arch., Kumamoto Univ.
Misaka Motoki
Dept. Civil Eng. Arch., Kumamoto Univ.
Yamamoto Taichi
Dept. Civil Eng. Arch., Kumamoto Univ.
Furukawa Kenji
Dept. Civil Eng. Arch., Kumamoto Univ.
Qiao Sen
School Of Environmental And Biological Sci. And Technol. Dalian Univ. Of Technol. No.2 Linggong Road
Sumino Tatsuo
Hitachi Plant Technologies Ltd.
Sumino Tatsuo
Hitachi Plant Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd.
Isaka Kazuichi
Hitachi Plant Technologies Ltd.
Furukawa Kenji
Dept. Civil Eng. Arch. Kumamoto Univ.
Misaka Motoki
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kumamoto University
Yamamoto Taichi
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kumamoto University
Furukawa Kenji
Department Of Applied Life Science Faculty Of Engineering Sojo University
- Treatment capability of an up-flow anammox column reactor using polyethylene sponge strips as biomass carrier(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Partial nitrification treatment for high ammonium wastewater from magnesium ammonium phosphate process of methane fermentation digester liquor(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 2Dp17 蛍光消光現象を利用したC型肝炎ウイルス由来ヘリカーゼ活性阻害剤の探索(酵素学・酵素工学,一般講演)
- Treatment of high-strength corn steep liquor using cultivated Polyvinyl alcohol gel beads in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Effect of salt concentration in anammox treatment using non woven biomass carrier(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Stable and high-rate nitrogen removal from reject water by partial nitrification and subsequent anammox
- High rate partial nitrification treatment of reject wastewater
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- 2Ip12 新規等温遺伝子定量手法Alternately binding probe comnetitive heli case-dependent amolification (ABC-HDA)法の開発(バイオセンシング・分析化学,一般講演)
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- 2Ip11 RNA情報を釣り針とする微生物生細胞の分離・濃縮技術の開発(バイオセンシング・分析化学,一般講演)
- 2Cp15 ダンベル型ナノサークルRNAによるRNA干渉法(核酸工学・糖鎖工学・ペプチド工学,一般講演)
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- High rate partial nitrification treatment of reject wastewater(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Stable and high-rate nitrogen removal from reject water by partial nitrification and subsequent anammox(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Biodegradation of Triphenyltin by Co-Metabolism with Ethanol
- 2P-2118 ABC-HDA法による簡便な遺伝子定量技術の開発(10b バイオセンシング,分析化学,一般演題,センサー計測技術,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
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- Treatment of low strength wastewater by anaerobic fluidized bed reactor
- 2Hp14 A novel application of PVA-gel beads to a special-designed anaerobic fluidized bed (SAFB) reactor treating high strength wastewater
- PVA-gel beads application in two anaerobic reactors
- Partial nitritation treatment of underground brine waste with high ammonium and salt content(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Nitrogen removal from digester liquor of livestock manure by anammox process
- 2Hp10 Application of combined partial nitritation : Anammox process for livestock wastewater treatment
- Another Multiheme Protein, Hydroxylamine Oxidoreductase, Abundantly Produced in an Anammox Bacterium Besides the Hydrazine-Oxidizing Enzyme(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Nitrogen Pollution of Leachate at a Sea-Based Solid Waste Disposal Site and Its Nitrification Treatment by Immobilized Acclimated Nitrifying Sludge
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- Evaluation of swim-bed attached-growth process for nitrification of Hanoi Groundwater with high iron concentration
- Partial Nitritation of Raw Anaerobic Sludge Digester Liquor by Swim-Bed and Swim-Bed Activated Sludge Processes and Comparison of Their Sludge Characteristics(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Application of the partial nitritation-Anammox process for nitrogen removal of municipal anaerobic digester liquor
- Studies on the start-up of anammox process using net type acrylic fiber biomass carrier
- 生物担体としてモルトセラミックを活用したAnammox処理性能
- 干潟底泥試料から集積された耐塩性光合成細菌による揮発性脂肪酸からの水素生成
- Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater Using Simultaneous Nitrate Reduction and Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation in Single Reactor(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 3D10-1 Treatment characteristics of swim-bed wastewater treatment system
- 新規付着固定型揺動床による高速排水処理
- Characterization of the Microbial Community in an Anaerobic Ammonium-Oxidizing Bioflim Cultured on a Nonwoven Biomass Carrier(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Nitrification of Groundwater Contaminated with Ammonium Using a Novel Acryl-Resin Fiber for Biomass Attachment
- Novel Partial Nitritation Treatment for Anaerobic Digestion Liquor of Swine Wastewater Using Swim-Bed Technology(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Enrichment culture of marine anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria from sediment of sea-based waste disposal site(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Anammox Trearment Potential In an Up-Flow Column Reactor using A Novel AcrylicFiber Biomass Carrier
- Effect of Inoculum Conditioning on Hydrogen Fermentation and pH Effect on Bacterial Community Relevant to Hydrogen Production(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Microbial diversity of anammox bacteria enriched from different types of seed sludge in an anaerobic continuous-feeding cultivation reactor(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- UASB反応槽での造粒汚泥の形成に及ぼす風化花崗岩の添加効果
- Comparative Composition and Characteristics of Methanogenic Granular Sludges Treating Industrial Wastes under Different Conditions
- Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) Using Non-Woven Biomass Carrier in Continuous Treatment
- 不織布を微生物担体として用いた連続式カラムリアクタで確認された嫌気性アンモニア酸化(Anammox)
- Nutrient Removal from Secondary Effluent by Filamentous Algae
- High Nitrogen Removal Performance at Moderately Low Temperature Utilizing Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation Reactions(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 1238 Transformation of Soluble Nitrogenous Compounds by Stressed Biological Systems
- Preparation of Marine Nitrifying Sludge
- Characterization of Denitrifying Granular Sludge Treating Soft Groundwater in an Upflow Sludge-Blanket Reactor
- 不織布を付着担体として用いる嫌気性アンモニア酸化(Anammox)の連続処理
- 1B16-5 Treatment Performance of Anammox Fluidized bed Reactor using PVA Gel Beads
- 流動床による地下水の生物学的脱窒
- Mass Cultivation of Anaerobic Ammonium-Oxidizing Sludge Using a Novel Nonwoven Biomass Carrier
- UASB法による製糖排水と染色排水の混合排水処理に関する研究
- Indices of Drinking Water Concerned with Taste and Health
- High-rate nitrogen removal from anaerobic digester liquor using an up-flow anammox reactor with polyethylene sponge as a biomass carrier(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Tolerance Level of Dissolved Oxygen to Feed into Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (anammox) Reactor
- Reject water treatment by improvement of whole cell anammox entrapment using polyvinyl alcohol/alginate gel
- High-rate Partial Nitrification Treatment of Reject Water as Pretreatment for Anammox
- Electroluminescence Spikes of Pulsed Organic Light-Emitting Diodes at Switch-Off Using 1,4-Bis[2-[4-[N,N-di($ p$-tolyl)amino]phenyl]vinyl]benzene as a Light-Emitting Layer
- Use of Trapezoid Pulse Voltage in Study of Transient Response of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
- 担体利用1槽型アナモックスシステムの基礎検討
- Simultaneous Nitorogen and Phosphorus Removal by Anoxic-Aerobic High Sludge Concentration Activated Sludge Process
- 汚泥付着固定化材を装着した曝気槽中での窒素除去
- Biodegradation of Acid Azo Dyes by Newly Isolated Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria
- High-Rate Nitrogen Removal of Anammox Process under Various Environmental Conditions
- 上向流嫌気性スラッジブランケット(UASB)法による製糖排水の嫌気処理
- UASB法と光合成細菌を組み合わせた製糖排水と染色排水の同時処理に関する研究
- Autotrophic Denitrification Using Elemental Sulfur
- Nitrification Characteristics of Immobilized Microorganisms and Suspended Sludge in Nitrogen Removal Process
- Stoichiometry of Activated Sludge Process for the Treatment of Synthetic Organic Wastewater
- 酸素制限条件と嫌気条件下における自栄養性の生物学的窒素変換
- Growth Kinetic Studies on Organic Oxidation and Nitrification by Activated Sludge
- Biological Phosphorus Release from Activated Sludge of Sludge Recycling Nitrification-Denitrification Process
- A Channel Flow System for Wastewater Treatment and Food Production
- Kinetic Studies on Activated Sludge Denitrification
- Treatment Performance and Microbial Structure of a Granular Consortium Handling Methanolic Waste
- 包括固定化担体を用いた脱窒システムの開発
- First International Anammox Symposium 2011 会議報告
- 2Bp15 海洋生物抽出物より取得したcholesterol sulfateによるC型肝炎ウイルスNS3 helicase阻害作用(バイオマス・資源・エネルギー工学/生合成・天然物化学,一般講演)
- システム論的アプローチによる複合微生物系の解析と制御(「環境」と生物工学,バイオ技術10年の軌跡,創立90周年記念特別企画)
- PVAゲルビーズを微生物担体として活用するアナモックスプロセスの処理能力と微生物菌叢
- 複合微生物系の挙動を表現可能な数理モデル (特集 複合微生物系の制御・有効利用の最前線)
- 還元反応を引き金とする off/on 型蛍光プローブを用いたRNA検出法の開発
- Temperature dependence for anammox bacteria enriched from freshwater sediments(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 3Gp15 海洋生物抽出物より取得した複数種の硫酸化合物によるC型肝炎ウイルスNS3 helicase阻害作用(オミクス解析/生合成,天然物化学/環境工学,廃水処理技術,一般講演)
- 複合微生物系の挙動を表現可能な数理モデル
- 2P-231 長波長蛍光標識RNAプローブを用いたC型肝炎ウイルスNS3 helicaseの新規な活性測定手法(生合成,天然物化学,一般講演)
- Temperature dependence for anammox bacteria enriched from freshwater sediments