A社テレワーク試行実験の実証分析 : テレワーカーを取り巻く環境と実施頻度の関係に着目して
- 論文の詳細を見る
The development of telework at Company A has had an influence on numerous aspects of the company. This qualitative study used survey results to determine the success factors of telework at Company A. We analyzed them by categories as follows: teleworkers and non-teleworkers, and high-frequency teleworkers and low-frequency teleworkers. In the result, the comparison shows teleworkers and non-teleworkers have significant differences on their status of time management and work-life balance. In addition, we found significant differences in their human relations and communication between high- frequency teleworkers and low-frequency teleworkers. We suggest that we need to implement variant measures according to the phase of telework for promoting corporate telework.
- 日本テレワーク学会の論文
- 2009-03-31
小豆川 裕子
小豆川 裕子
山田 祐介
小豆川 裕子
- 14th International Conference on Teleworkの参加報告(第14回国際テレワーク・ワークショップ,ヨーロッパにおけるテレワーク動向)
- 働き方の「多様化」とHRMにおけるテレワークの役割(テレワークのHRM)
- A社テレワーク試行実験の実証分析 : テレワーカーを取り巻く環境と実施頻度の関係に着目して
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