チキン-エッグ問題に焦点を当てた原作-派生コンテンツの循環的構造モデル : ポケモンビジネスの事例分析からの示唆
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To succeed in content business in fields such as broadcasting, comics, hobbies, movies, novels and video-games, content business players must solve the problem of "the chicken and the egg." They must decide which content to prioritize in the market: the goodwill value of the original contents as a potential asset or the economic value of the derivative contents. This paper focuses on the cyclic structure which includes the goodwill value of the original contents and the economic value of the derivative contents. This cyclic structure seems to be one mechanism of the development (expansion of distribution scale and sales) of the content ecosystem consisting of both original and derivative contents. Examining the modeling of the cyclic structure using a causal loop diagram of the system dynamics, we show the logic of the pseudo-mutually-complementarity between contents. This logic could be a factor that the rights holders and its licensers be in the control of the causal loop in order to attain the overall growth. Connecting the various contents across different media and industries, the induction of the pseudo-mutually-complementarity between contents can add higher value to the contents and also support for developing the overall value of the content ecosystem. After analyzing the case of "Pocket Monsters Advance Generation," we propose a new original-derivative content loop model. This model consists of four causal loops based on the four product types of content cost structure (deficit, lower, middle, superior), and each loop includes distribution opportunities and the induction of the pseudo-mutually-complementarity between contents. We argue that content business players, such as licensers and licensees of an original content, should keep ones' view of virtuous cycle of the original-derivative content loop model-inspired, and selectively manage in order to the induction of the pseudo-mutually-complementarity between contents.
- 2009-05-25
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