Effect of Freeboard and Metacentric Height on Capsizing Probability of Purse Seiners in Irregular Beam Wind and Waves (オーガナイズドセッション(OS1):IMO基準の機能要件化に向けての非損傷時復原性評価(その2))
Paroka Daeng
Osaka University
Osaka University
Umeda Naoya
Osaka Univ.
Sakamoto Genta
Osaka Univeristy, Graduate School of Engineering
Sakamoto Genta
Osaka University
Sakamoto Genta
Osaka Univeristy Graduate School Of Engineering
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- Effect of Freeboard and Metacentric Height on Capsizing Probability of Purse Seiners in Irregular Beam Wind and Waves (オーガナイズドセッション(OS1):IMO基準の機能要件化に向けての非損傷時復原性評価(その2))
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- Theoretical Methodology for Quantifying Probability of Capsizing for a Ship in Beam Wind and Waves and Its Numerical Validation
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