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Jun KURIHARA The "Taiwan Opium Act" (Taiwan Ahen Rei) was issued on January 21, 1897 and was enforced from April 1. In the past, the background to the establishment of this law has been studied based on the documents by Jun Mizuno and Shinpei Goto. However, considering that the law was issued and enforced in Taiwan, the Taiwan Sotokufu Kobunruisan, official documents of the Taiwan Government (Taiwan Sotokufu) , is an indispensable historical record for study. Based on the Taiwan Sotokufu Kobunruisan, this paper demonstrates the fact that Shinpei Goto had some involvement in the entire process of this law from its drafting to enactment, the contents of two types of the Opium Act that the Taiwan Government had prepared, and the process of deliberations within the Government regarding the Opium Act.
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