- 論文の詳細を見る
This thesis pertains to research conducted into the citizenship issues that concern residents of Taiwan at the time Taiwan was a Japanese colony. Taiwan became a Japanese territory as a result of war. Then, in 1899, when Japan enacted the Family Registration Act, that law also applied to Taiwan, and thus residents of Taiwan held Japanese citizenship. At the time, Japan and China did not require persons to carry passports when travelling between the two countries. The exception to this, however, concerned Taiwanese residents, who were required to carry passports when travelling to China. Furthermore, owing to the unequal treaty of the time, the possession of foreign citizenship, such as that of Japan, had legal benefits for Chinese. As a result, many Chinese acquired the foregoing passports, and passed themselves off as holding Japanese citizenship by way of being Taiwanese. This thesis, based on official public documents from the Taiwanese Governor General's Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, clarifies the way Japan dealt with these persons who acquired passports through deception. Put simply, the Taiwanese Governor General's Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not implement a policy of granting citizenship to people who resided in Taiwan, but rather citizenship was granted based on whether a person was beneficial to Japan or not. Naturally only those deemed beneficial were given citizenship.
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