谷崎潤一郎文学の韓国における受容(II) : 谷崎の「刺青」「春琴抄」と金東仁の「狂畫師」の女人像をめぐって
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In this paper I try to compare the images of women in Tanizaki's works "Shisei" and "Shunkinsho" and Dong In's "Kyogashi" and to clarify some influences of the Japanese writer on the Korean writer. In his early period, Dong In described his heroines just as women of the age really were. After he read Tanizaki's "Shunkinsho", however, his heroines began to assume absolute ethereal beauty. Tanizaki often chooses devilish women as his heroines in order to present an image of power in woman. Dong In, on the other hand, limits himself simply to beautiful women without any other particular characteristics. Beauty in woman is an object to admire and worship for Tanizaki, while it is only an object of art for Dong In.はじめに 第一章 「春琴抄」と「狂畫師」の女人像の比較 第一節 東仁における女人像 (ア)初期作品における女人像 (イ)「狂畫師」における女人像 第二節 谷崎(「刺青」と「春琴抄」)の中で現れる女人像 (ア)「刺青」にみる女人像 ①「妖婦的娘」から「悪魔的女」への推移 ②「足」への執着 (イ)「春琴抄」にみる女人像 ①強まる悪魔性 ②「表情」と「目」への執着 結論
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- 谷崎潤一郎文学の韓国における受容(II) : 谷崎の「刺青」「春琴抄」と金東仁の「狂畫師」の女人像をめぐって
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